February 21, 2013

Getting Stress

I've been stressful from work, it was like I always in this situation, really tired emotionally and physically. Sometimes I've been thinking to give up, but when I remembered about my last job, it was tiring also and worse than my job now.

It's been really difficult to build a good relation to customer, when they become a master of complain, it was like they need more and more and more again....

This week, I just silent, think all over again and again, about my work, my life and my dreams, I really want reach all that successfully, who doesn't?, I really want a stable life, a good environment to develop idea, step by step reach my dreams, yeah you can called me a dreamer, I don't care, you can said that you don't like my job, I don't care also. 

I just realise that nowadays, I really need my me time, my time for my self, not for work, not for somebody else, just me, my self, not interact with other people include my customer, just a time off, off limit for anything...

I don't like when somebody ruin my day, make me not in the mood to do anything, its like lose my appetite......

Hmmm.. enough for the whining today, its time to wake up and change situation become really nice situation, and time to get off for me time..